الجمعة، 20 يوليو 2012

Effective tutoring

·        Foster a sense of control in the student. Make him feel he has command of the material. 

·        Instil confidence in him by maximizing success (assuring the student that the problem he solves is a difficult one.) Minimize failure (provide excuses for mistakes and emphasize the part of the problem that he got right. 

·        Foster curiosity (ask leading questions) and link the problem to other problems he has seen but seem to on he surface to be different. 

·        Contextualize by placing the problem in real world context or in a context from a movie or TV show. 

·        Do not bother to correct minor errors like forgetting to put down a plus sign. Try to head the student off at the pass when she is about to make a mistake and attempt to prevent it from occurring. Or sometimes you can let him make the mistake if you feel it will provide a valuable learning experience.

·        Never dumb down the material for the sake of self esteem but instead change the way you present it.

·        Most of what you do should be asking questions. Ask leading questions. Ask the student to explain their reasoning. 

·        You should actually be less likely to give positive feedback because this makes the session feel more evaluative. 

·        Be nurturing and empathetic. 

·        Try to prevent the student from making mistakes unless their is a good lesson to be learned from it. 

كتاب الذكاء وكيف تحصل عليه: لماذا المدارس والثقافات مهمة
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